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Gardening Jobs For February

Gardening jobs for February primroses

Hurrah, the first two winter months are over, and spring is literally just around the corner. Bulbs are starting to pop up all over the garden now, hellebores are in full bloom and I've already started seeing a few buds.

February is a good time to start planting seeds so that when the frosts finish in May, you will have some plants to put in your borders.

Here are a few more gardening jobs for February you can be getting on with.

Gardening jobs for February. Sow tomato seeds

·         Sow Tomato, Cucumber, Pepper and Chilli seeds indoors. Leave to germinate on a warm bright windowsill.

·         Sow perennial seeds so you can fill your borders full of flowers this summer. Some need to be sown indoors some undercover and some are happy outdoors, so check the label.

·         Make sure you have washed your plant pots before planting seeds or potting on to stop diseases spreading.

·         Cut back any dead hellebore leaves so the new growth can thrive.

·         Add soil improver mulch to your borders to give your plants a bit of protection against frosts and put some goodness back into the earth.

·         Cut back deciduous grasses ready for new shoots appearing.

·         Most perennials are still dormant so if you need to move or split them now is a good time. Just make sure there is no hard frost for a couple of days so they can settle.

·         A main gardening job for february, is to transplant deciduous shrubs while they are still dormant.

·         Strip Ivy from walls and fences while you can get to it. Once everything else grows it’s hard to get rid of this invasive plant.

·         Keep on top of weeds like dandelions and creeping buttercup. It’s easier to dug them up now before the roots become too strong.

·         Dig out any brambles while you can see where the roots are or pull any shoots up before they also take root.

Gardening jobs for February bee on an allium


When March arrives things will be looking up, the days will be longer and there will start to be warmth in the sun.

Before we know it, we will be fighting the weeds again and wishing we’d moved that unruly shrub that’s taking up the border.

So, plan ahead and do the gardening jobs for February now, so you can enjoy your garden this summer 😊 


gardening jobs for February by Lisa

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