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The Garden In December

 the garden in December

Winter is well and truly here, but there are still plenty of jobs in the garden in December.

In fact, in just a couple of weeks on 22nd December the Winter Solstice will arrive, bringing with it lighter nights.

Then a month later at the end of January I will start planting my seeds indoors. At this point I know spring is just around the corner.

I decided weeks ago that this year was going to be a very cold winter, and with a few mornings dipping below minus already, I still believe that this is true.

I’d never seen so many berries on the trees as I had this autumn and where I’m from that means the bird won’t starve in constant cold weather.

It may be an old wives tale but being an up t’ north country girl, the amount of berries on trees was the only weather forecast we needed.

Time will tell!

the garden in December

But back to jobs in the garden this December, here's what I’ve been doing so far …

· Digging out weeds that haven’t been accessible until the leaves drop.

· Stripping Ivy off fences and walls

· Preparing new flower beds ready for next year. Weeding, adding soil improver and planting up.

· Preparing veggie beds ready from spring planting. Weeding, covering with cardboard and putting a layer of manure on top.

· Cleaning out greenhouses. Cleaning the glass, washing down staging and washing all plastic plant pots and tools.

· Brushing sharp sand into paths ready for the icy conditions

· Harvesting winter veggies and disposing of the leaves

the garden in December

It always seems a dreary time of the year, but it is a great time to prepare and be ready for the spring.

If you don’t want to venture out yourself but would like a tidy garden ready for the spring, please drop me a message. I have availability in January and February with prices starting at just £40.

Lisa's jobs in the garden December

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