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Gardening Jobs - November

Garden Jobs November

Hello November!

It’s safe to say our gardens are slowing down now, but there is still plenty to be doing this month.

It’s a time to say goodbye to some of our favourite flowers, but it’s also time to reflect on what worked and what didn’t this year.

Time to think ahead to Spring and plan what needs moving, splitting, planting, or throwing away so we can start afresh in 2024.

Garden Jobs November, plant winter bedding

Here is a list of Gardening Jobs November.

· Finish planting your spring bulbs. If you have too many pop them in a pot and make a bulb lasagne.

· Make notes and take photos of your borders before you cut back. This will help you remember what is where.

· Make sure all your plant pots have been washed with warm soapy water to stop the spread of disease.

· Clean and disinfect your greenhouse.

· Make sure all your half hardy and tender plants are put in the greenhouse to over winter.

· Plant roses, hedging, trees, and shrubs before the persistent frosts start.

· Lift Dahlia tubers and store in a cool dry place. Or, if you are leaving them in the ground cut back and cover with a thick layer of mulch.

· Cut back and clear climbers, making sure supports are still usable. Throw away any broken supports, pull up and store canes in a dry shed so they don’t rot over winter.

· Cut back perennials and mulch the ground around them with compost or manure. This offers protection from frosts and helps the soil condition too.

· Start to plan your borders for next year, flick through gardening magazines and seed brochures for fresh ideas. Start buying seeds for next year’s sowing.

· Prune back rose bushes to half to stop root rock, then cut back again in Spring are the frosts have finished.

· Make leaf mould by collecting fallen leaves. Put into a bin bag with some ventilation holes and store behind your shed to break down. This makes a great mulch.

· Ideas for gardening jobs November on dry days - give your lawn the last cut, paint sheds and oil wooden furniture.

· Clean paths and decking and brush in a sharp sand to help stop slipping.

· Plant winter bedding for a splash of seasonal colour.

· Wash out bird feeders with hot soapy water, dry and refill ready for the harsh months ahead.

· Keep an eye out for frosts, make sure you have plenty of bubble wrap and fleece ready to cover your more tender plants.

Garden Jobs November, plant winter bedding

People think Winter is a time to rest and relax, but in all honesty, Winter is one of the busiest times for gardeners.

The short, wet days just means we are more limited to what we can do, so, everything gets crammed into the days when the weather plays ball.

But most of all Winter is about reflection on the year past and planning for the year ahead...

Let's make 2024 our best yet!

Garden Jobs November by Lisa

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